Suejen Perani

King’s College London

Suejen is a psychologist with a special interest in epilepsy. After her bachelor in Psychological sciences she started an MSc in cognitive neuroscience where she approached epilepsy for the first time.

Her very first interest was mapping brain networks related with rolandic alpha and beta frequency bands using a very advanced technique called simultaneous IcEEG-fMRI. Suejen further extend her expertise in applying simultaneous EEG-fMRI in children and adults with focal epilepsy to identify the epileptogenic zone and to help the improvement of the pre-surgical evaluation process using general linear modelling and source localisation.

During her PhD, she has collected the rarest population of newly diagnosed drug naïve patients with idiopathic generalised epilepsy. She expanded her skills in understanding brain networks mechanisms and their interaction with medication in idiopathic generalised epilepsy by applying structural and functional measures of the brain and advanced graph theory modelling.  At the moment she is exploring endophenotypes of treatment response in idiopathic generalized epilepsy using pre-treatment state to identify markers of drug response.


  • 2016-2012: PhD – Join Department of basic and clinical neuroscience, King’s College London and Institute of Child Health, University College London.
  • 2011-2010: MSc Cognitive Neuroscience, join Birkbeck and University College London, University of London.
  • 2010-2006: BA Psychological Science and Techniques, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Core expertise:

  • T1-weighted volumetric analysis
  • VBM
  • Cortical thickness
  • DTI
  • Simultaneous intracranial-EEG-fMRI
  • Simultaneous EEG-fMRI acquisition and data analysis
  • EEG report and recording
  • Identifying IED both in focal and generalised epilepsy
  • Running functional MRI analysis such as GLM.
  • Applying ICA and PCA both in fMRI and EEG data
  • Running source localisation and create topographic maps of IED

Posters and abstracts:

  • Perani, S. Tierney, M.T, Centeno, M., Shamshiri, E.A. Yaakub, S.N., O’Muircheartaigh, J., Carmichael, D.W., Richardson, M.P., (2017). Thalamic volume reduction in new-onset drug naïve idiopathic generalized epilepsy patients. Human Brain Mapping, Poster and published abstract.
  • Perani, S., Centeno, M., Tierney, T., Shamshiri, E.A., Cross, H.J., Carmichael, D.W., Richardson M.P., (2015). EEG-fMRI: generalised spike wave networks in newly diagnosed-drug naïve absence epilepsy children. Human Brain Mapping, Poster and published abstract.
  • Perani, S., Centeno, M., Tierney, T., Shamshiri, E.A., Cross, H.J., Carmichael, D.W., Richardson M.P., (2015). EEG-fMRI: generalised spike wave networks in newly diagnosed-drug naïve absence epilepsy children. BACI, Poster.
  • Centeno, M., Tierney, T., StPier, K., Pressler, R., Perani, S., Shamshiri. E., Clark. C., Cross, H.J., Carmichael, D.W., (2014). Making EEG-fMRI child-friendly: the effects of cartoons on interictal epileptiform discharge (IED) correlated fMRI maps, Human Brain Mapping, Abstract.
  • Perani, S., Centeno, M., Tierney, T., Cross, H.J., Carmichael, D.W., Richardson P., (2014) Simultaneous EEG-fMRI: posterior slow-waves compared with occipital alpha in childhood absence epilepsy. European Congress Epilepsy, Abstract.
  • Perani, S., Centeno, M., Tierney, T., Cross, H.J., Carmichael, D.W., Richardson P., (2014) Simultaneous EEG-fMRI: posterior slow-waves compared with occipital alpha in childhood absence epilepsy. Human Brain Mapping, Abstract.
  • Shamshiri, E., Centeno, M., Tierney, T., St Pier, K., Perani, S., Cross,H., Carmichael D.W., (2014). An investigation of the role of interictal activity on a natural stimulus in children with epilepsy. Human Brain Mapping, Abstract.
  • Shamshiri, E., Centeno, M., Tierney, T., St Pier, K., Perani, S., Cross,H., Carmichael D.W., (2014). Failure of connectivity modulation during an attention task in children with epilepsy is not explained fully by interictal activity. ISMRM, Abstract.
  • Perani, S., Vulliemoz, S., Rodionov, R., Lemieux, L., Carmichael, D., (2012). Intracranial (icEEG)-fMRI: mapping brain networks associated with alpha and beta in sensorimotor cortex. European Epilepsy Congress, Abstract.
  • Perani, S., Vulliemoz, S., Rodionov, R., Lemieux, L., Carmichael, D., (2012). Intracranial (icEEG)-fMRI: mapping brain networks associated with alpha and beta in sensorimotor cortex. Human Brain Mapping, Abstract.
  • Perani, S. & Mazzoni, G., (2012).  Issue on the epidemiological research in child sexual abuse: a critical analysis of the data. In AA.VV. (Ed.), Abusi, falsi abusi e science forensi. Quattroventi, Urbino.


  • Perani, S., Centeno, M., Shamshiri, E.A., Tierney, T.M., Richardson, M.P., Carmichael, D.W. The genetic generalised epilepsy brain network: effects of treatment and brain state. (Internal revision).
  • Perani, S., Chaudhary, U.C., Carmichael, D.W., Rodionov, R., Vulliemoz, S., Thornton, R.C., Pugnaghi, M., Micallef, C., McEvoy, E.W., Scott, C.A., Diehl, B., Walker, M.C., Duncan, J.S., Lemieux, L., Comparing epileptic networks and postsurgical outcome using simultaneous scalp and intracranial electroencephalography and functional imaging. (In preparation).
  • Tangwiriyasakul, C., Perani, S., Centeno, Yaakub, S.N., M., Abela, E., Carmichael, D.W., Richardson, M.P. Evolution of a pro-ictal brain network state prior to generalized spike-wave discharges in human idiopathic generalized epilepsy. (Internal revision).
  • Tangwiriyasakul, C., Perani, S., Abela, E., Carmichael, D.W., Richardson, M.P. Motor network hypersynchrony as an Endophenotype in Families with Genetic Generalised Epilepsy: an fMRI study. (Internal revision).
  • Perani, S., Chaudhary, U.J., Vulliemoz, S., Murta, T.G., Tierney, T.M., Walker, M.C., Lopes da Silva, F.H., Lemieux, L., Carmichael, D.W. Mapping rolandic alpha and beta rhythms in the human brain during motor task and rest with simultaneous electrocorticography (ECoG)-functional MRI (Under revision – Plos One).
  • Perani, S., Tierney, T.M., Centeno, M., Shamshiri, E.A., Yaakub, S.N., O’Muircheartaigh, J., Carmichael, D.W., Richardson, M.P., (2017). Thalamic volume reduction in new-onset drug naïve genetic generalised epilepsy.
  • Centeno M, Tierney TM, Perani S, Shamshiri EA, St Pier K, Wilkinson C, Konn D, Vulliemoz S, Grouiller F, Lemieux L, Pressler RM, Clark CA, Cross JH, Carmichael DW. (2017). Combined electroencephalography–functional magnetic resonance imaging and electrical source imaging improves localization of pediatric focal epilepsy. Annals of Neurology.
  • Shamshiri, E., Tierney, T.M., Centeno, M., St Pier, K., Pressler, R.M., Sharp, D.J., Perani, S., Cross, J.H., Carmichael, D.W., (2016). Interictal activity is an important contributor to abnormal intrinsic network connectivity in paediatric focal epilepsy. Human Brain Mapping.
  • Centeno, M., Tierney, T.M., Perani, S., Shamshiri, E.A., StPier, K., Wilkinson, C., Konn, D., Banks, T., Vulliemoz, S., Lemieux, L., Pressler, R.M., Clark. C.A., Cross, J.H., Carmichael, D.W., (2016). Optimising EEG-fMRI for localisation of focal epilepsy in children. Plos One.
  • Tierney, M., Weiss-Croft, L.J., Centeno.,M., Shamshiri, E.A., Perani, S., Baldeweg, T., Clark, C.A., Carmichael, D.W., (2015). FIACH: A biophysical model for automatic retrospective noise control in fMRI.  Neuroimage.
  • Coan, A.C., Chaudhary, U.J., Grouiller, F., Perani, S., De Ciantis, A., Vulliemoz, S., Diehl, B., Thornton, R.C., Beltramini, G., Scott, C.A., Covolan, R., Cendes, F., Lemieux, L., (2015). EEG-fMRI in the pre-surgical evaluation of temporal lobe epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.
  • Perani, S. & Mazzoni, G., (2012). Issue on the epidemiological research in child sexual abuse: a critical analysis of the data. In AA.VV. (Ed.), Abusi, falsi abusi e science forensi. Quattroventi, Urbino.