Please find below a publications list by Prof. Mark Richardson (see also PubMed for updates). To download these epilepsy research publications, please visit Mark Richardson’s publications listings on ResearchGate or PubMed
- Viana, P. F., Pal Attia, T., Nasseri, M., Duun‐Henriksen, J., Biondi, A., Winston, J. S., Pavão Martins I., Nurse E.S., Dümpelmann M., Schulze-Bonhage A., Freestone D.R., Kjaer T.W., Richardson M.P., Brinkmann B.H. (2022). Seizure forecasting using minimally invasive, ultra‐long‐term subcutaneous electroencephalography: (1) Individualized intrapatient models. Epilepsia.
- Pal Attia T, Viana PF, Nasseri M, Duun-Henriksen J, Biondi A, Winston JS, P Martins I, Nurse ES, Dümpelmann M, Worrell GA, Schulze-Bonhage A, Freestone DR, Kjaer TW, Brinkmann BH, Richardson MP. Seizure forecasting using minimally‐invasive, ultra long‐term subcutaneous EEG: ) Generalizable cross‐patient models. Epilepsia.
- Biondi, A., Santoro, V., Viana, P. F., Laiou, P., Pal, D. K., Bruno, E., & Richardson, M. P. (2022). Noninvasive mobile EEG as a tool for seizure monitoring and management: A systematic review. Epilepsia.
- Biondi, A., Rocchi, L., Santoro, V., Rossini, P. G., Beatch, G. N., Richardson, M. P., & Premoli, I. (2022). Spontaneous and TMS-related EEG changes as new biomarkers to measure anti-epileptic drug effects. Scientific reports, 12(1), 1-11.
- Viana PF, Remvig LS, Duun-Henriksen J, Glasstetter M, Dümpelmann M, Nurse ES, Martins IP, Schulze-Bonhage A, Freestone DR, Brinkmann BH, Kjaer TW, Richardson MP. Signal quality and power spectrum analysis of remote ultra long-term subcutaneous EEG. Epilepsia 2021;62(8):1820-1828
- Nasseri M, Pal Attia T, Joseph B, Gregg NM, Nurse ES, Viana PF, Worrell G, Dümpelmann M, Richardson MP, Freestone DR, Brinkmann BH. Ambulatory seizure forecasting with a wrist-worn device using long-short term memory deep learning. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):21935
- Bruno E, Böttcher S, Viana PF, Amengual-Gual M, Joseph B, Epitashvili N, Dümpelmann M, Glasstetter M, Biondi A, Van Laerhoven K, Loddenkemper T, Richardson MP, Schulze-Bonhage A, Brinkmann BH. Wearable devices for seizure detection: Practical experiences and recommendations from the Wearables for Epilepsy And Research (WEAR) International Study Group. Epilepsia. 2021;62(10):2307-2321
- Stirling RE, Grayden DB, D’Souza W, Cook MJ, Nurse E, Freestone DR, Payne DE, Brinkmann BH, Pal Attia T, Viana PF, Richardson MP, Karoly PJ. Forecasting Seizure Likelihood With Wearable Technology. Front Neurol. 2021;12:704060
- Viana PF, Duun-Henriksen J, Glasstëter M, Dümpelmann M, Nurse ES, Martins IP, Dumanis SB, Schulze-Bonhage A, Freestone DR, Brinkmann BH, Richardson MP. 230 days of ultra long‐term subcutaneous EEG: seizure cycle analysis and comparison to patient diary. Annals of clinical and translational neurology. 2021;8(1);288-293
- Brinkmann BH, Karoly PJ, Nurse ES, Dumanis SB, Nasseri M, Viana PF, Schulze-Bonhage A, Freestone DR, Worrell G, Richardson MP, Cook MJ. Seizure Diaries and Forecasting With Wearables: Epilepsy Monitoring Outside the Clinic. Front Neurol. 2021;12:690404.
- Biondi A, Laiou P, Bruno E, Viana PF, Schreuder M, Hart W, Nurse E, Pal DK, Richardson MP. Remote and Long-Term Self-Monitoring of Electroencephalographic and Noninvasive Measurable Variables at Home in Patients With Epilepsy (EEG@HOME): Protocol for an Observational Study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2021 Mar 19;10(3):e25309.
- Nasseri M, Pal Attia T, Joseph B, Gregg NM, Nurse ES, Viana PF, Schulze-Bonhage A, Dümpelmann M, Worrell G, Freestone DR, Richardson MP, Brinkmann BH. Non-invasive wearable seizure detection using long-short-term memory networks with transfer learning. J Neural Eng. 2021;18(5).
- Karoly PJ, Freestone DR, Eden D, Stirling RE, Li L, Vianna PF, Maturana MI, D’Souza WJ, Cook MJ, Richardson MP, Brinkmann BH, Nurse ES. Epileptic Seizure Cycles: Six Common Clinical Misconceptions. Front Neurol. 2021 Aug 4;12:720328.
- Di Hou, M., Santoro, V., Biondi, A., Shergill, S. S., & Premoli, I. (2021). A systematic review of TMS and neurophysiological biometrics in patients with schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 46(6), E675-E701.
- Lopes MA, Junges L, Tait L, Terry JR, Abela E, Richardson MP, Goodfellow M. Computational modelling in source space from scalp EEG to inform presurgical evaluation of epilepsy. Clin Neurophysiol. 2020 Jan;131(1):225-234. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2019.10.027. Epub 2019 Nov 22. PMID: 31812920; PMCID: PMC6941468.
- Al-Sarraj S, Troakes C, Hanley B, Osborn M, Richardson MP, Hotopf M, Bullmore E, Everall IP. Invited Review: The spectrum of neuropathology in COVID-19. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2020 Sep 16. doi: 10.1111/nan.12667. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32935873.
- Burrows DRW, Samarut É, Liu J, Baraban SC, Richardson MP, Meyer MP, Rosch RE. Imaging epilepsy in larval zebrafish. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2020 Jan;24:70-80. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpn.2020.01.006. Epub 2020 Jan 14. PMID: 31982307; PMCID: PMC7035958.
- Karoly PJ, Cook MJ, Maturana M, Nurse ES, Payne D, Brinkmann BH, Grayden DB, Dumanis SB, Richardson MP, Worrell GA, Schulze-Bonhage A, Kuhlmann L, Freestone DR. Forecasting cycles of seizure likelihood. Epilepsia. 2020 Apr;61(4):776-786. doi: 10.1111/epi.16485. Epub 2020 Mar 27. PMID: 32219856.
- Simblett SK, Biondi A, Bruno E, Ballard D, Stoneman A, Lees S, Richardson MP, Wykes T; RADAR-CNS consortium. Patients’ experience of wearing multimodal sensor devices intended to detect epileptic seizures: A qualitative analysis. Epilepsy Behav. 2020 Jan;102:106717. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2019.106717. Epub 2019 Nov 27. PMID: 31785481.
- Fagerholm ED, Tangwiriyasakul C, Friston KJ, Violante IR, Williams S, Carmichael DW, Perani S, Turkheimer FE, Moran RJ, Leech R, Richardson MP. Neural diffusivity and pre-emptive epileptic seizure intervention. PLoS Comput Biol. 2020 Dec 1;16(12):e1008448. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008448. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33259483.
- Goldstein LH, Robinson EJ, Mellers JDC, Stone J, Carson A, Reuber M, Medford N, McCrone P, Murray J, Richardson MP, Pilecka I, Eastwood C, Moore M, Mosweu I, Perdue I, Landau S, Chalder T; CODES study group. Cognitive behavioural therapy for adults with dissociative seizures (CODES): a pragmatic, multicentre, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Psychiatry. 2020 Jun;7(6):491-505. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30128-0. Epub 2020 May 20. PMID: 32445688; PMCID: PMC7242906.
- Bruno E, Böttcher S, Biondi A, Epitashvili N, Manyakov NV, Lees S, Schulze-Bonhage A, Richardson MP; RADAR-CNS Consortium. Post-ictal accelerometer silence as a marker of post-ictal immobility. Epilepsia. 2020 Jul;61(7):1397-1405. doi: 10.1111/epi.16552. Epub 2020 May 27. PMID: 32459380.
- Bruno E, Richardson MP. Postictal generalized EEG suppression and postictal immobility: what do we know? Epileptic Disord. 2020 Jun 1;22(3):245-251. doi: 10.1684/epd.2020.1158. PMID: 32540795.
- Duun-Henriksen J, Baud M, Richardson MP, Cook M, Kouvas G, Heasman JM, Friedman D, Peltola J, Zibrandtsen IC, Kjaer TW. A new era in electroencephalographic monitoring? Subscalp devices for ultra-long-term recordings. Epilepsia. 2020 Sep;61(9):1805-1817. doi: 10.1111/epi.16630. Epub 2020 Aug 27. PMID: 32852091.
- Sakellariou DF, Dall’Orso S, Burdet E, Lin JP, Richardson MP, McClelland VM. Abnormal microscale neuronal connectivity triggered by a proprioceptive stimulus in dystonia. Sci Rep. 2020 Nov 27;10(1):20758. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-77533-w. PMID: 33247213; PMCID: PMC7695825.
- Yaakub SN, Tangwiriyasakul C, Abela E, Koutroumanidis M, Elwes RDC, Barker GJ, Richardson MP. Heritability of alpha and sensorimotor network changes in temporal lobe epilepsy. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2020 May;7(5):667-676. doi: 10.1002/acn3.51032. Epub 2020 Apr 25. PMID: 32333640; PMCID: PMC7261746.
- Bruno E, Biondi A, Thorpe S, Richardson MP; RADAR-CNS Consortium. Patients self-mastery of wearable devices for seizure detection: A direct user-experience. Seizure. 2020 Oct;81:236-240. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2020.08.023. Epub 2020 Aug 23. PMID: 32889512.
- Nasseri M, Nurse E, Glasstetter M, Böttcher S, Gregg NM, Laks Nandakumar A, Joseph B, Pal Attia T, Viana PF, Bruno E, Biondi A, Cook M, Worrell GA, Schulze-Bonhage A, Dümpelmann M, Freestone DR, Richardson MP, Brinkmann BH. Signal quality and patient experience with wearable devices for epilepsy management. Epilepsia. 2020 Jun 4. doi: 10.1111/epi.16527. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32497269.
- Hatton SN, Huynh KH, Bonilha L, Abela E, Alhusaini S, Altmann A, Alvim MKM, Balachandra AR, Bartolini E, Bender B, Bernasconi N, Bernasconi A, Bernhardt B, Bargallo N, Caldairou B, Caligiuri ME, Carr SJA, Cavalleri GL, Cendes F, Concha L, Davoodi-Bojd E, Desmond PM, Devinsky O, Doherty CP, Domin M, Duncan JS, Focke NK, Foley SF, Gambardella A, Gleichgerrcht E, Guerrini R, Hamandi K, Ishikawa A, Keller SS, Kochunov PV, Kotikalapudi R, Kreilkamp BAK, Kwan P, Labate A, Langner S, Lenge M, Liu M, Lui E, Martin P, Mascalchi M, Moreira JCV, Morita-Sherman ME, O’Brien TJ, Pardoe HR, Pariente JC, Ribeiro LF, Richardson MP, Rocha CS, Rodríguez-Cruces R, Rosenow F, Severino M, Sinclair B, Soltanian-Zadeh H, Striano P, Taylor PN, Thomas RH, Tortora D, Velakoulis D, Vezzani A, Vivash L, von Podewils F, Vos SB, Weber B, Winston GP, Yasuda CL, Zhu AH, Thompson PM, Whelan CD, Jahanshad N, Sisodiya SM, McDonald CR. White matter abnormalities across different epilepsy syndromes in adults: an ENIGMA-Epilepsy study. Brain. 2020 Aug 1;143(8):2454-2473. doi: 10.1093/brain/awaa200. PMID: 32814957; PMCID: PMC7567169.
- Woldman W, Schmidt H, Abela E, Chowdhury FA, Pawley AD, Jewell S, Richardson MP, Terry JR. Dynamic network properties of the interictal brain determine whether seizures appear focal or generalised. Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 27;10(1):7043. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-63430-9. PMID: 32341399; PMCID: PMC7184577.
- Goldstein LH, Robinson EJ, Mellers JDC, Stone J, Carson A, Chalder T, Reuber M, Eastwood C, Landau S, McCrone P, Moore M, Mosweu I, Murray J, Perdue I, Pilecka I, Richardson MP, Medford N; CODES Study Group; CODES study group. Psychological and demographic characteristics of 368 patients with dissociative seizures: data from the CODES cohort. Psychol Med. 2020 May 11:1-13. doi: 10.1017/S0033291720001051. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32389147.
- Brunnhuber F, Slater J, Goyal S, Amin D, Thorvardsson G, Freestone DR, Richardson MP. Past, Present and Future of Home video-electroencephalographic telemetry: A review of the development of in-home video-electroencephalographic recordings. Epilepsia. 2020 Jul 19. doi: 10.1111/epi.16578. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32683686.
- Bruno E, Viana PF, Sperling MR, Richardson MP. Seizure detection at home: Do devices on the market match the needs of people living with epilepsy and their caregivers? Epilepsia. 2020 May 9. doi: 10.1111/epi.16521. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32385909.
- Bruno E, Biondi A, Böttcher S, Lees S, Schulze-Bonhage A, Richardson MP; RADAR-CNS Consortium. Day and night comfort and stability on the body of four wearable devices for seizure detection: A direct user-experience. Epilepsy Behav. 2020 Nov;112:107478. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107478. Epub 2020 Sep 28. PMID: 33181896.
- Viana PF, Duun-Henriksen J, Glasstëter M, Dümpelmann M, Nurse ES, Martins IP, Dumanis SB, Schulze-Bonhage A, Freestone DR, Brinkmann BH, Richardson MP. 230 days of ultra long-term subcutaneous EEG: seizure cycle analysis and comparison to patient diary. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2020 Dec 4. doi: 10.1002/acn3.51261. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33275838.
- Goldstein LH, Robinson EJ, Reuber M, Chalder T, Callaghan H, Eastwood C, Landau S, McCrone P, Medford N, Mellers JDC, Moore M, Mosweu I, Murray J, Perdue I, Pilecka I, Richardson MP, Carson A, Stone J; CODES Study Group. Characteristics of 698 patients with dissociative seizures: A UK multicenter study. Epilepsia. 2019 Nov;60(11):2182-2193. doi: 10.1111/epi.16350. Epub 2019 Oct 13. PMID: 31608436; PMCID: PMC6899659.
- Lopes MA, Perani S, Yaakub SN, Richardson MP, Goodfellow M, Terry JR. Revealing epilepsy type using a computational analysis of interictal EEG. Sci Rep. 2019 Jul 15;9(1):10169. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-46633-7. PMID: 31308412; PMCID: PMC6629665.
- Słowiński P, Sheybani L, Michel CM, Richardson MP, Quairiaux C, Terry JR, Goodfellow M. Background EEG Connectivity Captures the Time-Course of Epileptogenesis in a Mouse Model of Epilepsy. eNeuro. 2019 Aug 12;6(4):ENEURO.0059-19.2019. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0059-19.2019. PMID: 31346002; PMCID: PMC6709215.
- Tangwiriyasakul C, Premoli I, Spyrou L, Chin RF, Escudero J, Richardson MP. Tensor decomposition of TMS-induced EEG oscillations reveals data-driven profiles of antiepileptic drug effects. Sci Rep. 2019 Nov 19;9(1):17057. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-53565-9. PMID: 31745223; PMCID: PMC6864053.
- Premoli I, Rossini PG, Goldberg PY, Posadas K, Green L, Yogo N, Pimstone S, Abela E, Beatch GN, Richardson MP. TMS as a pharmacodynamic indicator of cortical activity of a novel anti-epileptic drug, XEN1101. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2019 Nov;6(11):2164-2174. doi: 10.1002/acn3.50896. Epub 2019 Sep 30. PMID: 31568714; PMCID: PMC6856596.
- Sakellariou, D.F., Koutroumanidis, M., Richardson, M.P. and Kostopoulos, G.K., 2019. Cross-subject network investigation of the EEG microstructure: A sleep spindles study. Journal of neuroscience methods, 312, pp.16-26.
- Yaakub, S.N., Barker, G.J., Carr, S.J., Abela, E., Koutroumanidis, M., Elwes, R.D. and Richardson, M.P., 2019. Abnormal temporal lobe morphology in asymptomatic relatives of patients with hippocampal sclerosis: A replication study. Epilepsia, 60(1), pp.e1-e5.
- Abela, E., Pawley, A.D., Tangwiriyasakul, C., Yaakub, S.N., Chowdhury, F.A., Elwes, R.D., Brunnhuber, F. and Richardson, M.P., 2019. Slower alpha rhythm associates with poorer seizure control in epilepsy. Annals of clinical and translational neurology, 6(2), pp.333-343.
- Tangwiriyasakul, C., Perani, S., Abela, E., Carmichael, D.W. and Richardson, M.P., 2019. Sensorimotor network hypersynchrony as an endophenotype in families with genetic generalized epilepsy: A resting‐state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Epilepsia, 60(3), pp.e14-e19.
- Laiou, P., Avramidis, E., Lopes, M.A., Abela, E., Mueller, M., Akman, O.E., Richardson, M.P., Rummel, C., Schindler, K. and Goodfellow, M., 2019. Quantification and selection of ictogenic zones in epilepsy surgery. bioRxiv, p.602490.
- Stavropoulos, I., Louden, W., Queally, C., Adcock, J., Tristram, M., Neale, M., Moran, N., Flores, L., Nashef, L., Richardson, M.P. and Bell, C., 2019. Perampanel for the treatment of epilepsy; Longitudinal actuarial analysis and dose responses based on monthly outcomes. Seizure, 69, pp.125-132
- Woldman, W., Schmidt, H., Abela, E., Chowdhury, F.A., Pawley, A.D., Jewell, S., Richardson, M.P. and Terry, J.R., 2019. Dynamic network properties of the interictal brain determine whether seizures appear focal or generalised. bioRxiv, p.576785
- Bruno, E., Simblett, S., Lang, A., Biondi, A., Odoi, C., Schulze-Bonhage, A., Wykes, T., Richardson, M.P. and RADAR-CNS Consortium, 2018. Wearable technology in epilepsy: The views of patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. Epilepsy & Behavior, 85, pp.141-149.
- Ridsdale, L., Wojewodka, G., Robinson, E.J., Noble, A.J., Morgan, M., Taylor, S.J., McCrone, P., Richardson, M.P., Baker, G., Landau, S. and Goldstein, L.H., 2018. The effectiveness of a group self‐management education course for adults with poorly controlled epilepsy, SMILE (UK): A randomized controlled trial. Epilepsia, 59(5), pp.1048-1061.
- Kreilkamp, B.A.K., Weber, B., Elkommos, S.B., Richardson, M.P. and Keller, S.S., 2018. Hippocampal subfield segmentation in temporal lobe epilepsy: Relation to outcomes. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 137(6), pp.598-608.
- Lopes, M.A., Richardson, M.P., Abela, E., Rummel, C., Schindler, K., Goodfellow, M. and Terry, J.R., 2018. elevated ictal Brain network ictogenicity enables Prediction of Optimal seizure control. Frontiers in neurology, 9, p.98.
- Bauer, P.R., de Goede, A.A., Stern, W.M., Pawley, A.D., Chowdhury, F.A., Helling, R.M., Bouet, R., Kalitzin, S.N., Visser, G.H., Sisodiya, S.M. and Rothwell, J.C., 2018. Long-interval intracortical inhibition as biomarker for epilepsy: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Brain, 141(2), pp.409-421.
- Bruno, E., Biondi, A., Richardson, M.P. and RADAR-CNS Consortium, 2018. Pre-ictal heart rate changes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Seizure, 55, pp.48-56.
- Whelan, C.D., Altmann, A., Botía, J.A., Jahanshad, N., Hibar, D.P., Absil, J., Alhusaini, S., Alvim, M.K., Auvinen, P., Bartolini, E. and Bergo, F.P., 2018. Structural brain abnormalities in the common epilepsies assessed in a worldwide ENIGMA study. Brain, 141(2), pp.391-408.
- Perani, S., Tierney, T.M., Centeno, M., Shamshiri, E.A., Yaakub, S.N., O’Muircheartaigh, J., Carmichael, D.W. and Richardson, M.P., 2017. Thalamic volume reduction in drug‐naive patients with new‐onset genetic generalized epilepsy. Epilepsia.
- Lopes, M.A., Richardson, M.P., Abela, E., Rummel, C., Schindler, K., Goodfellow, M. and Terry, J.R., 2017. An optimal strategy for epilepsy surgery: Disruption of the rich-club?. PLoS computational biology, 13(8), p.e1005637.
- Robinson, E.J., Goldstein, L.H., McCrone, P., Perdue, I., Chalder, T., Mellers, J.D., Richardson, M.P., Murray, J., Reuber, M., Medford, N. and Stone, J., 2017. COgnitive behavioural therapy versus standardised medical care for adults with Dissociative non-Epileptic Seizures (CODES): statistical and economic analysis plan for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 18(1), p.258.
- Fecchio, M., Pigorini, A., Comanducci, A., Sarasso, S., Casarotto, S., Premoli, I., Derchi, C.C., Mazza, A., Russo, S., Resta, F. and Ferrarelli, F., 2017. The spectral features of EEG responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation of the primary motor cortex depend on the amplitude of the motor evoked potentials. PloS one, 12(9), p.e0184910.
- Premoli, I., Bergmann, T.O., Fecchio, M., Rosanova, M., Biondi, A., Belardinelli, P. and Ziemann, U., 2017. The impact of GABAergic drugs on TMS-induced brain oscillations in human motor cortex. Neuroimage, 163, pp.1-12.
- McGinnity, C.J., Smith, A.B., Yaakub, S.N., Weidenbach Gerbase, S., Gammerman, A., Tyson, A.L., Bell, T.K., Elmasri, M., Barker, G.J., Richardson, M.P. and Pal, D.K., 2017, Decreased functional connectivity within a language subnetwork in benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes. Epilepsia Open.
- Goodfellow, M., Rummel, C., Abela, E., Richardson, M.P., Schindler, K. and Terry, J.R., 2017, Computer models to inform epilepsy surgery strategies: prediction of postoperative outcome. Brain, 140(5), pp.e30-e30.
- Pawley, A.D., Chowdhury, F.A., Tangwiriyasakul, C., Ceronie, B., Elwes, R.D., Nashef, L. and Richardson, M., 2017. Cortical excitability correlates with seizure control and epilepsy duration in chronic epilepsy. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 4(2), pp.87-97.
- Kreilkamp, B.A., Weber, B., Richardson, M.P. and Keller, S.S., 2017. Automated tractography in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy using TRActs Constrained by UnderLying Anatomy (TRACULA). NeuroImage: Clinical.
- Premoli, I., Biondi, A., Carlesso, S., Rivolta, D. and Richardson, M.P., 2017. Lamotrigine and levetiracetam exert a similar modulation of TMS‐evoked EEG potentials. Epilepsia, 58(1), pp.42-50.
- Keller, S.S., Glenn, G.R., Weber, B., Kreilkamp, B.A., Jensen, J.H., Helpern, J.A., Wagner, J., Barker, G.J., Richardson, M.P. and Bonilha, L., 2017. Preoperative automated fibre quantification predicts postoperative seizure outcome in temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain, 140(1), pp.68-82.
- Brogna, C., Millesi, M., Fiengo, L., Richardson, M., Bhangoo, R., Ashkan, K. and Türe, U., 2017. Commentary: Giuseppe Campani (1635-1715, Rome, Italy): the First Use of a Microscope in Medicine and Surgery. Neurosurgery, 82(2), pp.E58-E64.
- Bergin, P.S., Beghi, E., Sadleir, L.G., Tripathi, M., Richardson, M.P., Bianchi, E., D’Souza, W.J. and EpiNet Study Group, 2018. Do neurologists around the world agree when diagnosing epilepsy?–Results of an international EpiNet study. Epilepsy research, 139, pp.43-50.
- Premoli, I., Costantini, A., Rivolta, D., Biondi, A. and Richardson, M.P., 2017. The effect of lamotrigine and levetiracetam on TMS-evoked EEG responses depends on stimulation intensity. Frontiers in neuroscience, 11, p.585.
- Ridsdale, L., Wojewodka, G., Robinson, E., Landau, S., Noble, A., Taylor, S., Richardson, M., Baker, G., Goldstein, L.H. and SMILE Team, 2017. Characteristics associated with quality of life among people with drug-resistant epilepsy. Journal of neurology, 264(6), pp.1174-1184.
- Bergin, P.S., Beghi, E., Sadleir, L.G., Brockington, A., Tripathi, M., Richardson, M.P., Bianchi, E., Srivastava, K., Jayabal, J., Legros, B. and Ossemann, M., 2017. EpiNet as a way of involving more physicians and patients in epilepsy research: Validation study and accreditation process. Epilepsia open, 2(1), pp.20-31.
- Bergin, P.S., Beghi, E., Sadleir, L.G., Brockington, A., Tripathi, M., Richardson, M.P., Bianchi, E., Srivastava, K., Jayabal, J., Legros, B. and Ossemann, M., 2016. EpiNet as a way of involving more physicians and patients in epilepsy research: Validation study and accreditation process. Epilepsia Open.
- Goodfellow, M., Rummel, C., Abela, E., Richardson, M.P., Schindler, K. and Terry, J.R., (2016) Estimation of brain network ictogenicity predicts outcome from epilepsy surgery. Scientific reports, vol.6.
- Schmidt, H., Woldman, W., Goodfellow, M., Chowdhury, F. A., Koutroumanidis, M., Jewell, S., … & Terry, J. R. (2016). A computational biomarker of idiopathic generalized epilepsy from resting state EEG. Epilepsia.
- Nashef L, Richardson MP. Introduction: SUDEP: Time for prevention-evidence and clinical translation. Epilepsia. 2016;57 Suppl 1:1-3
- Liao W, Ji GJ, Xu Q, Wei W, Wang J, Wang Z, Yang F, Sun K, Jiao Q, Richardson MP, Zang YF, Zhang Z, Lu G. Functional connectome before and following temporal lobectomy in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy in Scientific Reports, 22;6:23153 March 2016
- Elkommos S, Weber B., Niehusmann P., Volmering E, Richardson M, Goh YY., Marson A, Elger C, Keller S. Hippocampal internal architecture and postoperative seizure outcome in temporal lobe epilepsy due to hippocampal sclerosis in Seizure 35:65-71, January 2016
- Introduction-Epilepsy Research UK expert workshop 2014: SUDEP: Time for prevention-evidence and clinical translation Proceedings from the Epilepsy Research UK 2014 Expert Workshop, January 2016, Epilepsia
- Elkommos S, Weber B., Niehusmann P., Volmering E, Richardson M, Marson A, Elger C, Keller S, Hippocampal Internal Architecture And Postoperative Outcome In Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Journal Of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 86(11):E4.147-E4 · November 2015
- Goldstein L, Mellers J, Landau S, Stone J, Carson A, Medford N, Reuber M, Richardson M, McCrone P, Murray J and Chalder T. COgnitive behavioural therapy vs standardised medical care for adults with Dissociative non-Epileptic Seizures (CODES): a multicentre randomised controlled trial protocol, in BMC Neurology 15(1):98, January 2015.
- Keller SS, Richardson MP, Schoene-Bake JC, O’Muircheartaigh J, Elkommos S, Kreilkamp B, Goh YY, Marson AG, Elger C, Weber B. Thalamotemporal alteration and postoperative seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy, Ann Neurol. 2015 Jan 27.
- Towgood K, Barker GJ, Caceres A, Crum WR, Elwes RDC, Costafreda SG, Mehta MA, Morris RG, von Oertzen TJ, Richardson MP. Bringing memory fMRI to the clinic: Comparison of seven memory fMRI protocols in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Human Brain Mapping. 2015, Vol. 36(3).
- Mporas I, Tsirka V, Zacharaki EI, Koutroumanidis M, Richardson M, Megalooikonomou V. Seizure detection using EEG and ECG signals for computer-based monitoring, analysis and management of epileptic patients. Expert Systems with Applications. 2015. Vol 42(6):322723233.
- Keller SS, Richardson MP, O’Muircheartaigh J, Schoene-Bake JC, Elger C, Weber B. Morphometric MRI alterations and postoperative seizure control in refractory temporal lobe epilepsy. Human Brain Mapping. 2015, Vol 36(2).
- Chowdhury FA, Pawley AD, Ceronie B, Nashef L, Elwes RDC, Richardson MP. Motor evoked potential polyphasia: a novel endophenotype of Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsy. Neurology, 2015 Mar 31;84(13):1301-7
- Chowdhury FA, O’Gorman RL, Nashef L, Elwes RD, Edden RA, Murdoch JB, Barker GJ, Richardson MP. Investigation of glutamine and GABA levels in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy using MEGAPRESS. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2015 Mar;41(3):694-9.
- Petkov G, Goodfellow M, Richardson M, Terry J. A critical role for network structure in seizure onset: a computational modelling approach. Frontiers in Neurology, 2014 Dec 8;5:261
- Rey HG, Ison M, Pedreira C, Valentin A, Alarcon G, Selway R, Richardson MP, Quian Quiroga R. Single cell recordings in the human medial temporal lobe. Journal of Anatomy, 2014 Aug 28
- Schmidt H, Petkov G, Richardson MP, Terry JR. Dynamics on networks: the role of local dynamics and global networks on the emergence of hypersynchronous neural activity. PLoS Comput Biol. 2014;10:e1003947.
- Chowdhury FA, Woldman W, FitzGerald TH, Elwes RD, Nashef L, Terry JR, Richardson MP. Revealing a brain network endophenotype in families with Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsy. PLoS One. 2014 Oct 10;9(10):e110136.
- Centeno M, Vollmar C, Stretton J, Symms MR, Thompson PJ, Richardson MP, O’Muircheartaigh J, Duncan JS, Koepp MJ. Structural changes in the temporal lobe and piriform cortex in frontal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Res. 2014;108:978-81.
- Chowdhury FA, Elwes RD, Koutroumanidis M, Morris RG, Nashef L, Richardson MP. Impaired cognitive function in IGE and unaffected family members: an epilepsy endophenotype. Epilepsia, 2014;55:835-40.
- Brunnhuber F, Amin D, Nguyen Y, Goyal S, Richardson MP. Development, evaluation and implementation of video-EEG telemetry at home. Seizure, 2014 May;23:338-43.
- Keller SS, O’Muircheartaigh J, Traynor C, Towgood K, Barker GJ, Richardson MP. Thalamotemporal impairment in temporal lobe epilepsy: A combined MRI analysis of structure, integrity and connectivity. Epilepsia, 2014;55:306-15.
- Kralj-Hans I, Goldstein LH, Noble AJ, Landau S, Magill N, McCrone P, Baker G, Morgan M, Richardson M, Taylor S, Ridsdale L. Self-Management education for adults with poorly controlled epILEpsy (SMILE (UK)): a randomised controlled trial protocol. BMC Neurol. 2014 3;14:69.
- Wandschneider B, Centeno M, Vollmar C, Stretton J, O’Muircheartaigh J, Thompson PJ, Kumari V, Symms M, Barker GJ, Duncan JS, Richardson MP, Koepp MJ. Risk-taking behavior in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2013;54:2158-65.
- Fitzgerald TH, Valentin A, Selway R, Richardson MP. Cross-frequency coupling between the human thalamus and neocortex. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013;7:84.
- Nicholas JM, Ridsdale L, Richardson MP, Grieve AP, Gulliford MC. Fracture risk with use of liver enzyme inducing antiepileptic drugs in people with active epilepsy: Cohort study using the General Practice Research Database. Seizure. 2013;22:37-42.
- Valentín A, Nguyen HQ, Skupenova AM, Agirre-Arrizubieta Z, Jewell S, Mullatti N, Moran NF, Richardson MP, Selway RP, Alarcón G. Centromedian thalamic nuclei deep brain stimulation in refractory status epilepticus. Brain Stimul. 2012;5:594-8.
- Bergin P, Sadleir L, Legros B, Mogal Z, Tripathi M, Dang N, Beretta S, Zanchi C, Burneo J, Borkowski T, Cho YJ, Ossemann M, Striano P, Srivastava K, Tan HJ, Wanigasinghe J, D’Souza W; EpiNet study group. An international pilot study of an Internet-based platform to facilitate clinical research in epilepsy: the EpiNet project. Epilepsia. 2012 Oct;53(10):1829-35.
- Richardson MP. Large scale brain models of epilepsy: dynamics meets connectomics. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2012;83:1238-48.
- F1000Prime 3* (“exceptional”) recommendation
- O’Muircheartaigh J, Vollmar C, Barker GJ, Kumari V, Symms MR, Thompson P, Duncan JS, Koepp MJ, Richardson MP. Abnormal thalamocortical structural and functional connectivity in Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. Brain 2012;135:3635-44.
- Centeno M, Vollmar C, O’Muirchearthaigh J, Stretton J, Bonelli SB, Symms MR, Barker GJ, Kumari V, Thompson PJ, Duncan JS, Richardson MP, Koepp MJ. Memory in frontal lobe epilepsy: An fMRI study. Epilepsia 2012;53:1756-64.
- Flores L, Kemp S, Colbeck K, Moran N, Quirk J, Ramkolea P, von Oertzen TJ, Nashef L, Richardson MP, Goulding P, Elwes R. Clinical experience with oral lacosamide as adjunctive therapy in adult patients with uncontrolled epilepsy: A multicentre study in epilepsy clinics in the United Kingdom (UK). Seizure. 2012;21:512-517.
- Terry JR, Benjamin O, Richardson MP. Seizure generation: The role of nodes and networks. Epilepsia. 2012;53:e166-9.
- Nicholas JM, Ridsdale L, Richardson MP, Ashworth M, Gulliford MC. Trends in antiepileptic drug utilisation in UK primary care 1993 to 2008. Cohort study using the General Practice Research Database. Seizure. 2012;21:466-470.
- Blenkinsop A, Valentin A, Richardson MP*, Terry JR*. The dynamic evolution of focal-onset epilepsies: Combining theoretical and clinical observations. Eur J Neurosci, 2012;36:2188-2200. (* Terry and Richardson joint last authors)
- Vollmar C, O’Muircheartaigh J, Symms MR, Baker GJ, Thompson PJ, Kumari V, Stretton J, Duncan JS, Richardson MP, Koepp MJ. Altered micro-structural connectivity in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: The missing link. Neurology. 2012;78:1555-1559.
- Alarcón G, Martinez J, Kerai SV, Lacruz ME, Quian Quiroga R, Selway RP, Richardson MP, Garcia Seoane JJ, Valentin A. In vivo neuronal firing patterns during human epileptiform discharges replicated by electrical stimulation. Clin Neurophysiol. 2012;123:1736-1744.
- Benjamin O, Fitzgerald T, Ashwin P, Tsaneva-Atanasova K, Chowdhury F, Richardson MP*, Terry JR*. A phenomenological model of seizure initiation suggests network structure may explain seizure frequency in idiopathic generalised epilepsy. J Math Neurosci, 2012;2:1. (* Terry and Richardson joint last authors)
- Nevado-Holgado AJ, Marten F, Richardson MP, Terry JR. Characterising the dynamics of EEG waveforms as the path through parameter space of a neural mass model: Application to epilepsy seizure evolution. Neuroimage. 2012;59:2374-92.
- O’Muircheartaigh J, Richardson MP. Epilepsy and the frontal lobes. Cortex. 2012;48:144-55.
- Richardson MP, Lopes da Silva FH. TMS studies of preictal cortical excitability change. Epilepsy Res 2011 97(3):273-7.
- Richardson MP, Jefferys JGR. Introduction: Epilepsy Research UK Workshop 2010 on “Preictal Phenomena”. Epilepsy Res 2011 97(3):229-30.
- Laufs H*, Richardson MP*, Salek-Haddadi A, Vollmar C, Duncan JS, Gale K, Lemieux L, Löscher W, Koepp MJ. Converging PET and fMRI evidence for a common area involved in human focal epilepsies. Neurology. 2011;77:904-10 (* Laufs and Richardson joint first authors)
- Vollmar C, O’Muircheartaigh J, Barker GJ, Symms MR, Thompson P, Kumari V, Duncan JS, Janz D, Richardson MP, Koepp MJ. Motor system hyperconnectivity in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: a cognitive functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Brain 2011; 134:1710-19.
- Ridsdale L, Charlton J, Ashworth M, Richardson MP, Gulliford MC. Epilepsy mortality and risk factors for death in epilepsy: a population-based study. Br J Gen Pract 2011;61:271-8.
- Traynor CR, Barker GJ, Crum WR, Williams SC, Richardson MP. Segmentation of the Thalamus in MRI based on T1 and T2. Neuroimage 2011;56:939-50.
- Benjamin O, Colvin P, Kibuuka M, Alarcón G, Richardson MP, Terry JR. EEG frequency during spike-wave discharges may predict treatment outcome in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsies. Epilepsia 2011;52:e45-8.
- Mesquita MB, Medeiros DC, Cota RV, Richardson MP, Williams SC, Moraes MF. Distinct temporal patterns of electrical stimulation influence neural recruitment during PTZ infusion: an fMRI study. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2011;105:109-18.
- Richardson MP. New observations may inform seizure models: very fast and very slow oscillations. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2011;105:5-13.
- Vulliemoz S, Vollmar C, O’Muircheartaigh J, Yogarajah M, Carmichael DW, Stretton J, Richardson MP, Koepp MJ, Symms MR, Duncan JS. Connectivity of the supplementary motor area in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy and frontal epilepsy. Epilepsia 2011;52:507-14.
- O’Muircheartaigh J, Vollmar C, Barker GJ, Kumari V, Symms MR, Thompson P, Duncan JS, Koepp MJ, Richardson MP. Focal structural changes and cognitive dysfunction in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Neurology 2011;76:34–40.
- O’Muircheartaigh J, Vollmar C, Traynor C, Barker GJ, Kumari V, Symms MR, Thompson P, Duncan JS, Koepp MJ, Richardson MP. Clustering probabilistic tractograms using independent component analysis applied to the thalamus. Neuroimage 2011;54:2020-2032
- Osei-Lah A, Richardson MP, Alarcon G. Focal reading epilepsy – a rare variant of reading epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2010;51:2352-5.
- Richardson MP. Update on neuroimaging in epilepsy. Expert Rev Neurother. 2010 Jun;10(6):961-73.
- Traynor C, Heckemann RA, Hammers A, O’Muircheartaigh J, Crum WR, Barker GJ, Richardson MP. Reproducibility of thalamic segmentation based on probabilistic tractography. Neuroimage. 2010 1;52:69-85.
- Vollmar C, O’Muircheartaigh J, Barker GJ, Symms MR, Thompson P, Kumari V, Duncan JS, Richardson MP, Koepp MJ. Identical, but not the same: intra-site and inter-site reproducibility of fractional anisotropy measures on two 3.0T scanners. Neuroimage. 2010 Jul 15;51(4):1384-94.
- Richardson MP. Current themes in neuroimaging of epilepsy: brain networks, dynamic phenomena, and clinical relevance. Clin Neurophysiol. 2010;121:1153-75.
- Rodrigues S, Barton D, Marten F, Kibuuka M, Alarcon G, Richardson MP, Terry JR. A method for detecting false bifurcations in dynamical systems: application to neural-field models. Biol Cybern. 2010 Feb;102(2):145-54.
- Rotshtein P, Richardson MP, Winston JS, Kiebel SJ, Vuilleumier P, Eimer M, Driver J, Dolan RJ. Amygdala damage affects event-related potentials for fearful faces at specific time windows. Hum Brain Mapp. 2010 Jul;31(7):1089-105.
- Rodrigues S, Barton D, Szalai R, Benjamin O, Richardson MP, Terry JR. Transitions to spike-wave oscillations and epileptic dynamics in a human cortico-thalamic mean-field model. J Comput Neurosci 2009. 27:507–526.
- Adhikari MH, Heeroma JH, di Bernardo M, Krauskopf B, Richardson MP, Walker MC, Terry JR. Characterisation of cortical activity in response to deep brain stimulation of ventral-lateral nucleus: Modelling and experiment. J Neurosci Methods 2009; 183: 77-85.
- Marten F, Rodrigues S, Benjamin O, Richardson MP, Terry JR. Onset of polyspike complexes in a mean-field model of human electroencephalography and its application to absence epilepsy. Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci 2009; 367: 1145-61.
- Marten F, Rodrigues S, Suffczynski P, Richardson MP, Terry JR. Derivation and analysis of an ordinary differential equation mean-field model for studying clinically recorded epilepsy dynamics. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 2009; 79: 021911.
- Salek-Haddadi A, Mayer T, Hamandi K, Symms M, Josephs O, Fluegel D, Woermann F, Richardson MP, Noppeney U, Wolf P, Koepp MJ. Imaging seizure activity: a combined EEG/EMG-fMRI study in reading epilepsy. Epilepsia 2009; 50: 256-64.
- Powell HW, Richardson MP, Symms MR, Boulby PA, Thompson PJ, Duncan JS, Koepp MJ. Preoperative fMRI predicts memory decline following anterior temporal lobe resection. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2008;79:686-693.
- Valentin A, Arunachalam R, Mesquita-Rodrigues A, Garcia-Seoane JJ, Richardson MP, Mills K, Alarcon G. Late EEG responses triggered by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in the evaluation of focal epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2008;49:470-480.
- Powell HW, Richardson MP, Symms MR, Boulby PA, Thompson PJ, Duncan JS, Koepp MJ. Reorganization of verbal and nonverbal memory in temporal lobe epilepsy due to unilateral hippocampal sclerosis. Epilepsia. 2007;48:1512-1525.
- Wright MA, Orth M, Patsalos PN, Smith SJ, Richardson MP. Cortical excitability predicts seizures in acutely drug-reduced temporal lobe epilepsy patients. Neurology 2006;66:699-705.
- Richardson MP, Grosse P, Allen PJ, Turner R, Brown P. BOLD correlates of EMG spectral density in cortical myoclonus: description of method and case report. Neuroimage 2006;32:558-565.
- Richardson MP, Strange BA, Duncan JS, Dolan RJ. Memory fMRI in left hippocampal sclerosis: optimising the approach to predicting postsurgical memory. Neurology 2006;66:699-705.
- Powell HW, Koepp MJ, Symms MR, Boulby PA, Salek-Haddadi A, Thompson PJ, Duncan JS, Richardson MP. Material specific lateralization of memory encoding in the medial temporal lobe. Neuroimage 2005;27:231-239.
- Orth M, Kirby R, Richardson MP, Snijders AH, Rothwell JC, Trimble MR, Robertson MM, Münchau A. Subthreshold rTMS over pre-motor cortex has no effect on tics in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Clin Neurophysiol. 2005;116:764-8.
- Vuilleumier P, Richardson MP, Armony JL, Driver J, Dolan RJ. Distant nfluences of amygdala on visual cortex activation during emotional face processing. Nature Neuroscience 2004; 7:1271-1278.
- Richardson MP, Strange BA, Thompson PJ, Baxendale SA, Duncan JS, Dolan RJ. Preoperative verbal memory fMRI predicts postoperative memory decline after left temporal lobe resection. Brain 2004;127:2419-26.
- Powell HW, Koepp MJ, Richardson MP, Symms MR, Thompson PJ, Duncan JS. The application of functional MRI of memory in temporal lobe epilepsy: a clinical review. Epilepsia 2004; 45: 855-863.
- Richardson MP, Strange BA, Dolan RJ. Encoding of emotional memories depends on amygdala and hippocampus and their interactions. Nature Neuroscience 2004; 7: 278-285.
- Richardson MP, Strange BA, Duncan JS, Dolan RJ. Preserved verbal memory function in left medial temporal pathology involves reorganisation of function to right medial temporal lobe. Neuroimage 2003; 20: S112-9.
- Baxendale S, Thompson P, Duncan J, Richardson M. Is it time to replace the Wada test? Neurology 2003; 60: 354-355.
- Vincent TL, Richardson MP, Mackworth-Young CG, Hawke SH, Venables PJW. Sjogren’s syndrome associated myelopathy: response to immunosuppressive treatment. Am J Med 2003; 114: 145-148.
- Hammers A, Koepp MJ, Richardson MP, Hurlemann R, Brooks DJ, Duncan JS. Grey and white matter flumazenil binding in neocortical epilepsy with normal MRI. A PET study of 44 patients. Brain 2003; 126: 1300-1318.
- Richardson MP. Epilepsy and surgical mapping. British Medical Bulletin 2003;65:179-192.
- Bartlett PA, Richardson MP, Duncan JS. Measurement of amygdala T2 relaxation time in temporal lobe epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2002;73:753-5.
- Hammers A, Koepp MJ, Hurlemann R, Thom M, Richardson MP, Brooks DJ, Duncan JS. Abnormalities of grey and white matter [(11)C]flumazenil binding in temporal lobe epilepsy with normal MRI. Brain 2002;125:2257-2271.
- Hammers A, Koepp MJ, Free SL, Brett M, Richardson MP, Labbe C, Cunningham VJ, Brooks DJ, Duncan JS. Implementation and application of a brain template for multiple volumes of interest. Hum Brain Mapp 2002;15(3):165-174.
- Richardson MP. Case reports – functional imaging in epilepsy. Seizure 2001;10:157-161.
- Richardson MP. Functional imaging in epilepsy. Seizure 2001; 10: 139-56.
- Richardson MP, Hammers A, Brooks DJ, Duncan JS. Benzodiazepine-GABAA receptor binding is very low in dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour: a PET study. Epilepsia 2001; 42: 1327-34.
- Hammers A, Koepp MJ, Richardson MP, Labbe C, Brooks DJ, Cunningham VJ, Duncan JS. Central benzodiazepine receptors in malformations of cortical development: A quantitative study. Brain 2001; 124: 1555-65.
- Lloyd CM, Richardson MP, Brooks DJ, Al-Chalabi A, Leigh PN. Extramotor involvement in ALS: PET studies with the GABAA ligand 11C-flumazenil. Brain 2000;123:2289-2296.
- Capaday C, Richardson MP, Rothwell J, Brooks DJ. Long-term changes of GABAergic function in the sensorimotor cortex of amputees: A combined magnetic stimulation and 11C-flumazenil PET study. Exp Brain Res 2000;133:552-556.
- Jalan R, Turjanski N, Taylor-Robinson SD, Koepp MJ, Richardson MP, Wilson JA, Bell JD, Brooks DJ. Increased availability of central benzodiazepine receptors in patients with chronic hepatic encehalopathy and alcohol-related cirrhosis. Gut 2000;46:546-552.
- Koutroumanidis M, Koepp MJ, Richardson MP, Camfield C, Agathonikou A, Ried S, Papadimitriou A, Plant GT, Duncan JS, Panayiotopoulos CP. The variants of reading epilepsy. A clinical and video-EEG study of 17 patients with reading-induced seizures. Brain 1998;121:1409-27.
- Koepp MJ, Richardson MP, Brooks DJ, Duncan JS. Focal cortical release of endogenous opioids during reading-induced seizures. Lancet 1998;352:952-5.
- Richardson MP, Koepp MJ, Brooks DJ, Coull J, Grasby P, Fish DR, Duncan JS. Cerebral activation in malformations of cortical development. Brain 1998;121:1295-304.
- Richardson MP, Koepp MJ, Brooks DJ, Duncan JS. 11C-flumazenil PET in neocortical epilepsy. Neurology 1998;51:485-92.
- Koepp MJ, Hand KSP, Labbe C, Richardson MP, Van Paesschen W, Baird VH, Cunningham VJ, Bowery NG, Brooks DJ, Duncan JS. In-vivo 11C-flumazenil PET correlates with ex-vivo 3H-flumazenil autoradiography in hippocampal sclerosis. Ann Neurol 1998;43:618-26.
- Koepp MJ, Richardson MP, Labbe C, Brooks DJ, Cunningham VJ, Ashburner J, Van Paesschen W, Revesz T, Duncan JS. C-11-flumazenil PET, volumetric MRI, and quantitative pathology in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology 1997;49:764-73.
- Koepp MJ, Richardson MP, Brooks DJ, Cunningham VJ, Duncan JS. Central benzodiazepine/gamma-aminobutyric acid(A) receptors in idiopathic generalized epilepsy: An [C-11]flumazenil positron emission tomography study. Epilepsia 1997;38:1089-97.
- Koepp MJ, Labbé C, Richardson MP, Brooks DJ, Van Paesschen W, Cunningham VJ, Duncan JS. Regional hippocampal [11C]flumazenil PET in temporal lobe epilepsy with unilateral and bilateral hippocampal sclerosis. Brain 1997;120:1865-76.
- Richardson MP, Friston KJ, Sisodiya SM, Koepp MJ, Ashburner J, Free SL, Brooks DJ, Duncan JS. Cortical grey matter and benzodiazepine receptors in malformations of cortical development: a voxel-based comparison of structural and functional imaging data. Brain 1997;120:1961-73.
- Koepp MJ, Richardson MP, Brooks DJ, Poline JB, Friston KJ, Cunningham VJ, Duncan JS. Cerebral benzodiazepine receptors in hippocampal sclerosis: an objective in vivo analysis. Brain 1996;119:1677-87.
- Richardson MP, Koepp MJ, Fish DR, Brooks DJ, Duncan JS. Benzodiazepine receptors in focal epilepsy with cortical dysgenesis: an 11C-flumazenil PET study. Ann Neurol 1996;40:188-98.
- Richardson MP, Lever AML. Neisserial disease. J Infection 1996;32:175-176.
- Richardson MP, Lever AML, Fink AM, Dixon AK, Hazelman BL. Survival after aortic dissection in giant-cell arteritis. Ann Rheumatic Dis 1996;55:332-333.
- Malizia AL, Richardson MP. Benzodiazepine receptors and positron emission tomography: ten years of experience. A new beginning? J Psychopharmacol 1995;9:335-68.
- Richardson MP, Thuraisingham SI, Dunning J. Apparent superior vena cava obstruction and a continuous murmur : an unusual complication of aortocoronary saphenous vein grafts. Br Heart J 1992;68:412-3
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